The passage of time and busy lives have a way of just flying by and I used to ask myself "Just what have I done so far?" Well folks, I have an answer for that - in case you find yourself in the very same predicament: take a little bit of time (whatever you can spare) every day and make a list of things to be thankful for. [or, if you're like me you can use facebook and review all your past statuses :p]
Taking the time everyday to just think about the things you have to be grateful for has a way of helping you to remember exactly what you've done so far AND relive some wonderful moments. This contemplation also focuses you on positive thoughts: a much better alternative to those few minutes that you might have spent venting about what some poopy head did at work. I understand that a good vent can be a cleansing experience so I'm not saying to stop venting! Just remember to take a moment to be thankful too.
Sometimes its a long list, sometimes its a short list - whatever it is, its still something to give thanks for!
Just to share - here are the things that I am grateful for (there's more but this is what I came up for now):
- my family because despite all our conflicts, I know they will always love me no matter what I do.
- my niece True and nephew Max who are sources of unlimited joy in my life - I am really blessed to have them so close and be a part of their lives - they're a BLAST!
- re-discovering dance through salsa... who knew that walking into a random studio in Belltown would lead me here? I've still got miles to go and so many branches to explore, its like a never-ending playground and the people I've met so far have also been amazing.
- my health - despite 2 knee surgeries, I am still able to play volleyball and dance and enjoy the active life that I have
- having the courage to follow-through with a change which brought me here to Seattle and gave me a chance to start some new and fun things.
- for whoever invented social dancing and the music that goes with it - what a wonderful way to express something that can be shared through movement that also encapsulates how good the interaction between leading and following can be.
- that the things I do can touch people in a positive way and perhaps even inspire them to generate more positive energy in their own lives.
- for ice cream - mmmm! Dessert in general :)
- that there's always something new to learn: I love being engaged in learning and the feeling of accomplishment it give me when I'm getting better at it. I love it when I can share it with other people that enjoy it as much as I do and even better, introduce it to others who have never thought to try
- for friends who know me so well that it doesn't take much for me to talk to them whenever or wherever they are
- that I have all sorts of things to be excited about
- that there are still lots of places left to explore
- for the the wonderful dancing I've had the pleasure to experience and more to come
- that while I do the things I love, there are people who take the time to say some of the sweetest things to make my day (THANK YOU!)
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
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